New Kent from Oz style page turner

I love having a big page turner in my filofax but the downside is that half of the week is covered by the page turner. When I saw THIS video from Kent from Oz I ran to my craft space and made one for myself. What a great thing! Here are some pictures of my page turner inspired by Kent from Oz. ...

Dublin Haul

Just before Christmas I went Christmas shopping with my mom, aunt and cousin in Dublin. I had a great time and bought too much lol. I went over with an almost empty suitcase, I only packed the necessary stuff but I still had to buy a new bag for half the stuff I bought. Mostly clothes but I also shopped for Filofaxes and stationary. Never seen...

Secret Santa Swap

In the "Dutch Filofaxers" we organized a Secret Santa Swap. We agreed to open the packages at the 18th. I couldn't wait so I stayed up till 00:01. Desiree made a beautiful swap! Sit back and enjoy! ...

Dutch Filofaxers Facebook Group

Only nearly 2 months ago we (Desiree, Danielle, Nga-Yee and myself) started a Dutch Filofax group. The main reason was that most FB groups are mainly focused on people in the US, that's great of course but we missed the Dutch gezelligheid (there is no translation for this word (<--great website about Dutchies btw)). So we started a Dutch group.. the Dutch Filofaxers! We're almost 2 months old and we already have 67 members! RAKs are flying around and we're opening our Secret Santa Swap tomorrow :) Because the Dutch group grew so quick and got...

Filofax The Purse

I was searching for a wallet type filofax were I can fit in money, my cards, car key, phone and notes. During one of my visits to my local Filofax supplier Hummelman that my ordered "The Purse" came in! I couldn't wait to pick it up. I ordered the Antique White, I was a bit afraid that it would be to white and you'd see everything on it. But when I...